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Floating cancer cells.

Four New AML Studies Funded by Leukaemia UK

Leukaemia UK recently announced that it will channel £600,000 into four new AML research projects. Technology Networks spoke to Kate Nash, research communications manager at Leukaemia UK, to learn more about the innovative research projects aiming to improve the treatment of AML.
A title reading "An Introduction to Bayesian Statistics"

An Introduction to Bayesian Statistics

Bayesian statistics has emerged as a powerful methodology for making decisions from data in the applied sciences. Bayesian brings a new way of thinking to statistics, in how it deals with probability, uncertainty and drawing inferences from an analysis.
A section of RNA split from a DNA strand.

Gene Therapy: A New Frontier in Disease-Modifying Therapies

The gene therapy landscape is dynamic and constantly shifting. In this article, we will review major advances in disease modification for illnesses that presently still lack effective treatments, as well as some challenges and approaches to overcome them.
A surgeon operating on a patient using a head mounted optical tool for precision work.

Implanting Microdevices Into Brain Tumors To Determine the Best Treatment

Scientists have demonstrated the potential for using intratumoral microdevices (IMDs) to test various cancer drugs on the tumor before implementing systemic treatment. The approach could offer a hope in tackling hard-to-treat gliomas.
Male doctor holding a stethoscope in front of a waiting room of patients.

Impact of Precision Dosing on Patient Care

This article explores the current state of drug monitoring and highlights the important role precision dosing can play in optimizing patient care.
Representation of human stem cells.

Affordable Decentralized Cell Therapies? Next-Gen Technologies Make It Possible

Explore the current state of decentralization in cell therapy manufacturing as well as the challenges and future technologies that may define the space.
A man taking an item out of his medical cabinet.

HPV Is Not Just a Women’s Health Issue

A recent study found that over one-third of men aged 15 years and over are infected with at least one type of HPV. In this article, we explore why HPV is not just a women's health issue.
Close up of a protein structure.

Trends and Advancements in Proteomics

Proteomics methods are now applied across a variety of scientific disciplines. In this article, we explore just some of the recent trends and advancements in high-throughput and single-cell proteomics.
Lots of unlabeled conical flasks containing cloudy white liquid.

Applying a Lifecycle Approach to Your Analytical Procedures and Method Validation Programs

Regulatory guidance relating to analytical procedures is in the process of changing to a lifecycle approach to ensure that procedures are suitable for intended use across all phases of the drug development life cycle.
Illustration of DNA double helices on a yellow and pink polka dot background.

Oncology Researchers: Are You Getting the Most From Your Digital PCR Data?

This article discusses what good dPCR data looks like, how substandard equipment can detract from data quality and what oncology researchers can do to get high-quality dPCR data that will provide accurate and efficient insight into tumor load.