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Your Weekly Science News Roundup

Here are our top four headlines from the week! Which story was your favorite?
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Weekly Science News Roundup

Here are our top four headlines from the week.
LSD illustration

What LSD Does to the Brain

In this video, Justin from the Institute of Human Anatomy discusses what LSD does to the body, and how it's metabolized in the brain and digestive system.
Breaking Science News logo.

New and Comprehensive Protein Dataset Elevates Health Research

The largest body of work analyzing the effects of common gene variations on blood proteins, and how these may contribute to disease, to date has been published in Nature.
istock image tmi10

Revolutionizing Drug Discovery With Genomic Screening

This episode explores revolutionizing drug discovery with genomic screening.
Technology Networks weekly science news roundup.

Weekly Science News Roundup

Here are our top three headlines from the week! Which story was your favorite?
Weekly science news roundup logo image.

Weekly Science News Roundup

Here are our top three headlines from the week! Which story was your favorite?
A logo image for the Technology Networks weekly science news roundup.

Weekly Science News Roundup

Your weekly science news roundup is here.
The Swiss Army Knife of NIR

The Swiss Army Knife of NIR

Check off all the things on your NIR wish list:

- Fourier Transform interferometer for exceptional wavelength accuracy? Check.
- Flexibility to switch between sampling vials, through baggies, or auto-sampling? Check.
- Temperature-controlled liquids module for superior precision? Check.
- Option to sample directly into a drum? Check.
A finger reaching down to touch a young child's ear.

Treating Earaches With Nanoparticles That Generate Antiseptic on Demand

Ear infections are a common childhood ailment, but the rise of antibiotic resistance has scientists looking for alternative treatments. Researchers developed a new kind of earache treatment that exploits a chemical produced by the infectious bacteria.