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Six patient silhouettes with different colored pills inside each head

A Personalized Approach Could Help To Tackle the Global AMR Crisis

Antimicrobial resistance (AMR) is threatening the effective treatment and prevention of a wide range of infections, with serious potential consequences for health and the economy. We spoke to Dr. Alaa Riezk, research associate at the Centre for Antimicrobial Optimisation (CAMO), Imperial College London, about the problem of usage and dosage of antimicrobials and AMR and how he and the team are working to address it.
A psychedelic pulse.

The Pulse: Psychedelic News From Technology Networks Issue 7

Hello and welcome to the Pulse, the monthly psychedelics industry roundup from Technology Networks and Analytical Cannabis. Here, we’ll highlight some of the most significant psychedelic industry news from the past month, including important announcements, pre-clinical work and the latest from groundbreaking psychedelic clinical trials.
A title reading "An Introduction to Bayesian Statistics"

An Introduction to Bayesian Statistics

Bayesian statistics has emerged as a powerful methodology for making decisions from data in the applied sciences. Bayesian brings a new way of thinking to statistics, in how it deals with probability, uncertainty and drawing inferences from an analysis.
A person holding a plant.

The Environmental Impact of Biotech and Pharma Operations

Though the progress of the biotech and pharma industries is nothing short of commendable, there's a high cost associated with it – its environmental impact.
A surgeon operating on a patient using a head mounted optical tool for precision work.

Implanting Microdevices Into Brain Tumors To Determine the Best Treatment

Scientists have demonstrated the potential for using intratumoral microdevices (IMDs) to test various cancer drugs on the tumor before implementing systemic treatment. The approach could offer a hope in tackling hard-to-treat gliomas.
A researcher holds up a vial of liquid containing a strand of DNA.

Advances in Biopharmaceutical Analysis

Biopharmaceuticals require careful analysis during research, development and manufacturing. In this article, we highlight some of the analytical techniques employed in biopharmaceutical analysis, and how the field is evolving to meet new challenges.
A pill bottle in front of a psychedelic design.

The Power of Placebo in Psychedelic Trials

Ketamine is increasingly used as an antidepressant. A new clinical trial suggests the drug's effects may be may be placebo-based. In this article, we explore what that means for the drug's rollout for ketamine and psychedelic research.
Male doctor holding a stethoscope in front of a waiting room of patients.

Impact of Precision Dosing on Patient Care

This article explores the current state of drug monitoring and highlights the important role precision dosing can play in optimizing patient care.
Human silhouette with internal organs visible.

How Body-on-a-Chip Tech Is Transforming Research With Professor Donald Ingber

Professor Donald Ingber is responsible for developing human organ chips, which provide researchers with a window into inter-organ physiology and the body’s response to drugs, without animal testing. Technology Networks' invited Ingber to an Ask Me Anything session to answer your questions about this incredible technology.
A trace of Sanger sequencing data generated using capillary electrophoresis with a pen paying on the top.

An Introduction to Capillary Electrophoresis: Theory, Practice and Applications

Capillary electrophoresis is a powerful separation and analysis technique that offers quick and efficient results. In this article, we explore how it works, variations on the technique and their applications.